Obulis Wiki

Obulis (for windows) is a physics-based puzzle game based on a mobile game of the same name. The goal of Obulis is to drop all of the colored spheres into their like-colored pots. Spheres are held using chains, ropes or sticks, and the player must cut these constraints in order to release the spheres, which will them move following the laws of physics.


  • Left mouse button to select a chain/rope/stick.
  • Right mouse button or Space bar to cut the selected chain/rope/stick.
  • R to retry current level.

Saved game file[]

The Steam version of Obulis has its saved game file located at [1]:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\obulis\config.dat


The Steam version of Obulis has support for Achievements, which are awarded for completing specific levels.


  1. Chapter I
  2. Chapter II
  3. Chapter III


See also[]
